Book Riot Live! is tomorrow! Between midterms, Halloween (yes, I take that holiday seriously) and work, I hadn’t done much to countdown to the event. Now that I’ve finally made it to New York, I want to use some of my down time for a by-the-numbers review of my trip so far.

Bookish T-shirts packed to wear throughout the weekend.
Miles I traveled from my home in St. Louis to the convention in New York City.
Pages of the Welcome to Night Vale novel I read during my two-hour flight.
Number of times I listened to the “Reynolds Pamphlet” during my two-hour flight. This number directly impacted the previous.
Size in square-feet of the hotel room I’m staying in. The name of the place is POD 51 and is pretty nice considering how cheap it was (… relatively). I do have to use a shared bathroom, but everything is so clean and quiet, that it’s hardly a sacrifice.

The number of books I purchased at BOOKOFF, a used bookstore I spotted when stuck in traffic while riding the hotel shuttle (next time, I’ll just walk): Life After Life, by Kate Atkinson, and Everything I Never Told You, by Celeste Ng. I bought them for the Harry Potter Alliance‘s Apparating Library because I’m too stingy to give away my own books.

Dollars spent on books (so far!). This will be a much higher number after tomorrow.
Steps taken (so far!), according to my Fitbit.
Dollars spent on special feet band-aids.
Times I’ve been to New York. Along with all the Book Riot Live! activities, I hope to also have the chance to see Times Square, Richard Rodgers Theatre (because the Hamilton musical has officially taken over my life) and Mood Fabrics.
Traveling companions. Next time I come, I’m bringing a friend. =(
I’m so geeked. I can’t wait for tomorrow and to share more about the panels, vendors and other attendees. Until then, good night! I’ve got few a bookish letters to write.
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